How to cure prostatitis at home

treatment of prostatitis

This disease, as prostatitis is exclusively a problem for men. Develops in the prostate, at the bottom of the defeat of the prostate infection. Some think that this disease only develops in adult males during the changes. This is not the case. The risk of prostatitis increases from the beginning of the sexual life active. Prostatitis can be bacterial, not bacterial, acute, chronic, asymptomatic. Each type can be treated at an early stage, achieved Success with the treatment of prostatitis in men at home. How to do it yourself with the help of remedies?

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is called inflammation of the prostate. The causes of this inflammation a lot. The main cause of the disease is infectious defeat within. Cause inflammation can variety of bacteria: staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, klebsiella, singola wand of Enterobacter. It is to be noted that the data of the micro-organisms present in the microbial flora of each person. Only if you have good conditions, the effect of the multiplication is active, which is the pathology.

how to treat prostatitis

Also, on the development of prostatitis impact of the following factors:

  • Intermittent sex life;
  • Over-active sexual life;
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Bad habits;
  • A bad power supply.

In particular, a sedentary lifestyle and irregular sex to cause a process stagnant in the pelvic organs. For the account of the flow of the ejaculate and the blood of inflammation develops. Also, the blood circulation in the pelvic organs broken and due to some chronic diseases: atherosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid and the endocrine system.

Prostatitis is a pretty serious problem. And to delay the treatment of the inflammation is not. In fact, on the background of chronic prostatitis often develops from the adenoma and cancer of the prostate. Similarly, the disease leads to impotence. Recognize the prostatitis is not difficult. Thus, if a man gets up in the night in the toilets more than once, there is a reason to consult a doctor. A frequent need to urinate, feeling of not being devastated to the bladder, pain during urination — here are the main symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate.

All the rest, symptoms is added a decrease in sexual activity, weak lack of erection, premature ejaculation. Often men with prostatitis complain on the pain syndrome. The pain extends to the region of the scrotum, testicles, lower abdomen, back, lower back. Sometimes the pain occurs in the hole during defecation. The treatment of prostatitis should occur immediately. Treatment of prostatitis cures possible. But, in all cases, even popular therapy requires prior consultation qualified doctor.

Home treatment of prostatitis

How to treat prostatitis at home? For a long time used a variety of plants, herbs for the treatment of diseases of the genito-urinary tract in men. These tools are good men for the prevention of prostatitis. The oldest and proven means of therapy for the inflammation of the prostate at home is the application of pumpkin seeds. The use of this product is attributable to the high zinc content. Zinc is essential for the male body at any age. He took an active part in the production of testosterone, improves the blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Therefore, pumpkin seeds can release and protect the prostate drain.

For the relief of symptoms of the disease just to eat 30 seeds every day before each meal. It is this quantity will fill a daily dose of zinc to the male body. Very tasty and useful is a tool of pumpkin seeds. So, you want to grind in a mill with 0.5 kg shelled, not roasted seeds. In this mass, it still adds a healthy product for the male body, honey. Enough 200 g of honey, the tool of mixture and roll into small balls. Of the balls you have to keep it in the fridge and consume 1 ampoule twice a day, one half hour before meals.

Aspen bark

For the treatment of prostatitis in men in the home, apply, and the bark of aspen. Prepare to be an effective tool of prostatitis, of the bark, you can only in the spring. The fact that the use of the wasp, the bark that in a time where bloom the first buds and shoots on it. Then, it will be necessary to collect the bark of a thickness not exceeding 5 mm, dried in an oven. After complete drying application information, 100 g of Syr crushed, and poured in about 200 ml of vodka. The tool brewed for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. After the dye is filtered, and is used by 20 drops three times per day. You can dilute it with this assay in 50 g of water. The price of the popular treatment is 2 to 3 months.

The leaves and bark of hazelnut

The data of ingredients to brew separately. The bark of the plant is boiled two times longer than the leaves. For 1 tablespoon of leaves requires 1 glass of water. Two of broth mixed together, are served on the coverage, and infused for half an hour. The tool is filtered, is accepted by the 80-100 g 4 times per day. For the preparation of this tool is best to use the young leaves and the bark. Also, the populists argue that even the raw materials could brew it a few times. The men, who have a drug on himself, claim that the symptoms of prostatitis disappear already in 1-1,5 weeks.

Fruit juice

As the popular, and traditional medicine has proven that the charges only topped juice to contribute to the elimination of the urea, the uric acid from the body. And this may dramatically reduce inflammation, improve the health of the patient. It is the uric acid, by dipping in the muscles of the pelvic floor, and causes a variety of diseases of the prostate. Therefore, as recommended in the day, drink up to 0,5 l of juice of fresh fruit. A particular use may differ from these fruit juice:

  • Cucumber;
  • Asparagus;
  • The beet;
  • Carrots.

For the male body different use and compote of pears. For the treatment of prostatitis is best to use a product without sugar. But, the pear mre and a mild enough flavour to be enjoyable. Effective of prostatitis in men is the juice of the berries of the black elder.Also, your doctor may advise you to drink every morning after waking up in a glass of distilled water. 10 minutes after that consumed glass of elderberry juice. The course of therapy lasts at least 2 weeks. This way is actively used for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

To improve the state of the prostate, apply the juice of persil. It is rich in vitamins A and C. Consume fresh fruit juice need of persil 1 tablespoon three times per day before meals. Also, you can prepare a simple decoction of the seeds of this green. The seeds are crushed into powder. 4 tablespoons of powder, pour a glass of water. Tool must be made to boil at low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Consume the drink 1 tablespoon up to 6 times per day.

Herbal medicine

For the treatment of prostatitis in men, you can use a variety of medicinal herbs. It is very important to respect the proportions. In fact, many herbs are toxic, and in case of exceeding the dosage can cause poisoning. The therapy of the inflammation of the prostate gland is done with the help of celandine and hemlock. The preparation of the tool is therefore:

  • Mix 0,5 tbsp of hemlock and celandine;
  • Pour 150 grams of vodka;
  • Put in a dark place;
  • Leave to infuse for 10 days;
  • Drain.

Consumed tincture in the morning on an empty stomach. Only 2 drops of fund dissolved in a glass of milk or clean water. Each day the number of drops increases by one. As well, lasts until the thirtieth day. Then begins the countdown, the number of drops decreases. The well-being of a decoction of the roots of burdock.

grass of treatment of prostatitis

Often, for the treatment of prostatitis apply sly, birch and horsetail. 70 g of a mixture of ice rinks 0.5 liters of boiling water, and smoke 10 minutes. It is important to highlight tool for an hour, for all of the useful properties of the plants open. Filter the stock, adopted in the course of the day. Some men argue that, in the fight to the prostatitis has contributed to the dye from the leaves of simple kalanchoe.

Requires 1 cup of leaves pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The tool brewed to 5 days. Drink recommend 1 teaspoon per day. As soon as the well-being of the patient improve, and the penalty of consume 1 teaspoon of the grounds in the week. In general, herbal medicine is considered to be the most effective. Indeed, many drugs of prostatitis are manufactured in particular on the basis of grasses and plants.

Other methods of treatment of prostatitis at home

Many think that the treatment of the disease at home is an application exclusively from herbs, herbal. In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate is important to the integrated approach. And certain dyes, often, little. Also, do not completely rely on the remedies of the traditional medicine. The maximum effect is achieved only in combination with traditional and traditional medicine. And only the doctor can advise you on appropriate herbal medicine. In the treatment of prostatitis simple medicines little. The money, change your diet, begin to lead an active life.


To begin, you must master the elementary exercises, which rid itself of the inflammation, the flow improve the blood circulation in the pelvic organs. To improve the state of the prostate can regular walking. As soon as the body gets used to such treatment, the work, you can replace jogging. At home you can perform this exercise:

  • Man occupies a standing position;
  • The arms along the body;
  • Alternatively are mounted in knees;
  • During the climb of the knee it is important to maximize the push to the stomach.

A high efficiency in the treatment "male" diseases are well known in the exercise "bike" and "the birch". Lifts the pelvis just do not give the possibility to form a flow of the blood. There is a possibility, you can visit the sports halls, swimming pool. But, you should not load itself daily of cardio exercises. Simply exercise the use of the room 3-4 times per week. And here is the room of the home gym is worth to spend every day.


Very often in a complex with various drugs, medicinal drugs, herbs suppositories the doctors prescribe and during a massage against the prostatitis. It is important to remember that the acute form of prostatitis is a contra-indication to massage. Also, among the cons-indications to the realization of the manipulation, it is necessary to cite the crack of the rectum, hemorrhoids, constipation. In all other cases, the massage will bring benefits. The massage can be done at home and at the hospital. You can ask doctors about the technology. Such procedures necessary for the withdrawal of the flow of the seminal fluid. Therefore, during the procedure the urethra will allocate some drops of a secret.

Articles of the procedure

A hot bath with chamomile eliminates the pain, relieve the spasms. Also, the plant has soothing properties on the nervous system, which is very important in this severe disease, such as prostatitis. After 10-15 minutes in a warm chamomile bath, you will need to go to the shower. The jet of water must be sent in the region of the scrotum, the testicles, the prostate. In this case, alternating hot / cold water. Such a contrast hydromassage will have a positive influence on inflamed prostate.

The products of beekeeping

Since a long time, the honey and the propolis were considered as the panacea of all diseases. And prostatitis is not an exception. For the treatment of the disease need to eat every day, a tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast. With the time will improve the work of the entire genito-urinary system, is inflammation deliver full power. With the use of, and the pollen. It is recommended to consume three times per day before meals a teaspoon.

Effective, you can call and alcohol tincture of propolis. Quite 35 drops of tincture diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. Drink a tool to three times a day for half an hour before meals. This home treatment is a course of 45 days. Often, the doctors prescribe the application of suppositories base of propolis. They are manufactured on order only, and are very effective. The candles from propolis have a lot of positive comments about the men who have suffered prostatitis. All in all, to cure the prostatitis in the home real. In particular, if all options approved by the treating physician.